Sopra Steria internship


For my final internship, I joined a big consulting french company Sopra Steria. But I wasn't working for an external client, I worked for a specific team dedicated to help other Sopra teams by giving them tools to optimize and automate parts of their project. My whole internship was about implementing a thing called CDK (continuous delivery kit) into an old Java project run by a group of 40 people. The CDK is a group of specific tools for automation, all managed by a Jenkins application. I was in Spain for the internship, although it did not change much since the project was internal.

The tasks were varied, but mostly Devops. I started by automating the whole test suite, including the database initialization. I then worked on static code analysis and security checks (static and dynamics with a proxy). I ended up automating the build and deployment of the application and wrote a lot of documentation. I worked mostly alone with weekly checks with the project architect.

Personal impression

I was very lucky to be able to do Devops tasks as a Junior. Jenkins is a powerful tool and this project made me understand what a fully automize delivery pipeline looks like in a technical projects. I discovered here my appetance for code quality and automation, something that I try to bring into every project I work on.
