Junior Company


During my engineering school years I joined the Junior Company AEI(nonprofit organization established and executed entirely by students, which purpose is to provide services for companies). While it brought me in advance into the working world, it also allowed me to access advanced formations by professionals during national and regional congress, improving my communication and management skills.

I started as a project manager the first year, working with external clients, analyzing their needs and redacting specifications. I was in charge of recruiting competent students within my school and manage them to ensure correct delivery and payment. The second year I joined the director board. I was managing people doing the tasks I was doing the previous year and implied into strategic decision, future recruitment and formations and day to day improvement. By the end of my mandate the company joined the top 30 of the Junior Company in France (a rewarding achievement).

Personal impression

An anormal experience for a developer. I started my journey as a manager/commercial, working on the improvement of a small structure and meeting a lot of people from business school rather than coding. But it gave me the communication and planning skills that help me a lot today while working in a team. It's also this experience that lead me to the path of startup companies and gaves me a lot of web applications knowledge.
