My Job Glasses


MyjobGlasses is a website which help students in their orientation by allowing them to meet volunteer professional in order to talk about their future job and advise them. At My Job Glasses I was a Ruby Backend Developper, improving the website by adding new functionalities for the professionals, the student and the rest of my team.

I was working with Ruby 2.6, Rails 5.1, Python Sidekiq, Circle CI, AWS, Github, Zenhub, MongoDb (using mongoid), Redis and ElasticSearch.

We were working using Kanban and switch to a Scrumlike agile method for my last months. All our development was made using Code review, Rubocop, Rubymine and an automated pipeline on Circle Ci to run build and tests. We were trying to follow the guidelines of a REST API and a clean architecture with controllers, services, concerns, serializers and a well designed modelization.

Since it was small company (the tech team contains 4-5 people including the front) I was also taking part in the reflexion and technical conception around the product, analyzing and choosing the best technicals options. I was also working with the product team to output the best decisions regarding the cost in time and the advantages provided by some solutions.

With time and the departure of other developer I ended up beeing the oldest back-end developer and inherit some lead dev responsability such as taking care of every git branch, follow release advancement with the product and deliver the code in productions.

I worked on the transition to GraphQl for our API and acquired a lot of knowledge. I also managed to introduce Jenkins as an automation application to use for internal uses.

Personal impression

It was a great experience. Not my first as a developer, but my first with Ruby. I now considered Ruby a my main programming language and I aim to keep it this way. This language, its community and the rigor that comes with it when you try to follow its best practices really suit my personality and my conception of a developer.

The team was bigger than my previous experience while staying a startup. It was interesting to see the internal challenge that appears with multipurpose team. This is where I understood that communication and spontaneity is key for working as a developer in startup environment.
